Wednesday, 18 November 2015

How to Get a Girl’s Phone Number Without Actually Having to Ask for it

Let’s be honest. There have been a ton situations in which you see a beautiful girl and you connect with her really well. You both clearly like each other and keep talking to her without having to put any effort. But suddenly this thought pops up in your head that you should probably get her number while you still have that chance. You then muster up the courage to ask for her number and she tells you “I don’t think that we really know each other. How about you give me your phone number instead?”

And then everything goes down the drain from there. 

The reason why most men aren’t successfully able to get a girl’s number, is because they don’t know how to do it perfectly. And that’s exactly what this post is all about. 
You will learn how to get a girl’s number without you actually having to ask for it. 

So, let’s get started. 

Asking for the Number during the Height of the Conversation

This is the point when you both are having fun talking to each and the girl is laughing at your jokes. You both know that you are having a great time with each other. 
If you see things from a girl’s perspective, you’ll notice that if you are having awkward silences in the middle of the conversations, you really won’t enjoy it that much. On the other hand, if you’re having a great conversation and just can’t stop laughing, that’ll mean that you guys connect really well. 
So, you want to make sure that you ask for her number when she is having positive emotions and feeling a strong connection with you. Remember that girls are emotion beings and they follow their emotions at any moment. 

So how do you find out that you have reached the peak of a conversation and that you should get her number?
When she is laughing at your jokes and allowing you to touch her, aka, get physical with her, then that’s the point when you should get her number. 

Tell Her to give it to you

This is crucial. Most of the time guys think that by “asking” for her number, they are not forcing the girl to give it to them. That’s a wrong mindset. You see, the more logical you try to be with a girl, the less you’ll be able to connect and have fun with her. 
Girls don’t want a guy who asks for their permission to get their number. They want a guy who tells them what he wants and you’ll notice that they usually get it. 
The best way for you to get her phone number, is to give her a compliment while telling her to give her number at the same time. That way, she will have a positive feeling about you and will be more inclined to give you her number. 

Something like “You are an interesting person. What’s the best way for us to stay in contact?”
“You’re the coolest person I’ve met today. Give me your contact info because we were made for each other [laugh]”
Make sure that you are having fun and making everything fun during the whole conversation. The last thing you’d want to do, is turn the whole situation into something serious. 

At the end of the day, it’s all about your mindset and how you respond to that mindset. If you think that getting a girl’s number is hard, then it will be hard. 
I know that this is the case with most guys. So the best way to deal with that, is to keep practicing over and over again until everything feels perfect. 
Trust me, when you reach perfection, girls won’t leave you for anything.

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