Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Search Engine Optimization (SEO Hamilton)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO Hamilton)True SEO is the art of transforming an online space into a Authoritative property in the eyes of a search engine like Google or Bing. There are certain factors about a website that these search engines prefer over others, and if you know what these are you are already ahead of your competition. Here at Gwizz Marketing we are one of the luck ones that are ahead in the SEO game. Through years of continued testing we are able to pick up on the online trends and falls that search engines are looking for. We then adapt our strategies to suit and believe that to stay one step ahead of the search engines the testing must be continued.
What is SEO
 80-85% of Google clicks are accountable by organic search results
 30-40% of Google clicks are obtained by the #1 ranking site
 10-15% of Google ad clicks are shared between all ad users, so the bigger the budget the more likely you are to be shown
 People trust Googles Organic results more than Google Ads results
 Search Engine Optimization will make or break your business

On Page SEO
Your on page SEO is always the first place to start. It may not be the most important part, but it's your ticket into the search engine race and if you haven't trained hard enough you might as well go home. On Page SEO starts by optimizing certain elements of your website like Titles, Content, Meta Tags and Descriptions, Sharing Options, Geo Tags, ALT Descriptions, URLs, ect. A strong foundation of on page search engine optimization is quite often over looked when developing a website, but can be added at a later stage if missing.

Off Page SEO
Today's Off Page Search Engine Optimization practices are the most misconstrued, and you will find in most cases will not work, or will simply disappear when Google releases an update. Google no longer looks at how many links a website has, Google wants the best result it can give their user for their required search term. This is why Google will rank sites based on high Domain Authority and high Trust Flow. These metrics and gained with your Off Page SEO. This tells a search engine you are worth looking at and will then get your website compared against the others for the top spots. How well your on and off page SEO have been done will close the deal on who gets the top spots.  

Social Media
Social Media Marketing is considered by most apart of the Off Page SEO process, but today social media should have a standing of it's own. Google looks for relevance in today's markets, and where does it get this from? The most relevant and powerful sites on the internet today. Sites like social media (Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube, ect), forums, and news sites. Social Media sites like Facebook are the only competitors a search engine like Google has to worry out. So by looking to these sites to see what's trending, Google can provide better search results for it's users. For this reason I put social media into it's own category and developed a set of skills purely for Social Media Marketing. Web AuthorityYour Web Authority is made up by a certain set of metrics called:

 Domain Authority

 Page Authority

 Trust Flow

 Citation Flow

 Social Standing

The higher your web authority the better chance you have to beat out your competitors for the #1 Search Engine Ranking. These metrics are gained with great Off Page optimization, great On Page optimization, and a strong Social Standing. Get these right and your Web Authority will SHY ROCKET!

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