Daily consumption of green vegetables, are a source of folic acid, essential for the development of the baby's spinal-cord.
-The overweight (BMI higher than 30) reduces fertility both in sexes, but lacking weight (BMI under 20) might also hinder women's ability to successfully conceive.
-The anxiety and stress are enemies of conception. For females, it can bring about the disappearance with the rule, and men alter semen quality.
-Drink plenty of fluids each day is recommended, no less than, the future mother drink 8 glasses each day. In the event you submit indigestion takes liquid separated from solids.
-If your digestion is affected it is advisable to reduce the consumption of high fat foods such as aged cheeses, fatty meats, sausages, fried foods, breaded or breaded. And reduce irritants such as pepper and spicy.
-To avoid constipation, it is important to include in the diet foods rich in fiber such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, and a variety of breads with whole grains that Bimbo offers.
-The coffee . Moderate consumption is not a problem, but take more than three cups a day can negatively influence.
-Environmental factors . Avoid as far as possible exposure to toxic, excessive pollution and pesticides. Endocrine disrupters are environmental toxic substances that can alter the reproductive capacity and affect the fetus or newborn during development or lactation.
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